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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Creations Part 8 - my Pop Art Schiele

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Creations Part 6 - Enthusiasm

Creations creations

Here I am pretending to fell like Karl in the middle of some boring turkish courses I've been doing this summer. I discovered that as well as you may look to the sky or to the jungle, to movies or to art, you may also find that your inner part has undiscovered silent stories that come to you from time to time..(a boring language course can be a perfect opportunity!) Inspiration is also within and sometimes you just need to take a better look inside.

Tell me what you think.....

Creations Part 5 - Shoes

Creations Part 4 - Collage

Creations Part 3 - Bad Girls

Creations Part 2 - Aquarelle

Creations Part 1 - NEON collection

Basil Soda instant love. Haute Couture blowed my mind away this past month as I've been continuously watching Fashion TV and learning every collection by heart..Yes, Zuhair Murad was S T U N N I N G and Valentino as delicate as ever..I felt the need for something a little bit more out of the blue.. something Haute Couture but in the same time everyday couture. Wish came true when I saw those Basil Soda twinkly wonder shoes making their way from the runway right into my heart. SO beautiful.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hihi, there's me!!

This September the International Union of Romanian Woman registered in Atlanta, US
came to Romania to present some conferences about Woman's Top
Place in XXI Century through Education. On this occasion they organized a painting
competition between some high schools from all around Romania. My teacher,Gabriel Ulariu happened to be invited and brought 4 of his students, one of them being me!!

The subject was "the Woman" (how unpredictable!) .... and the headache was BIG. I finally decided to represent the life of a woman as a labyrinth through life and, surprisingly enough, they seemed to like it!!

Here's the site if you want to read more about the union

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Inspired by...Piet Mondrian

I really don't know how I got to this..I guess I just got lost from site to site and found a familiar figure as I saw Mondrian's Neo-Plasticism works and I instantly remembered YSL's dresses from the 60's. So wanted to know more about him...
Mondrian arrived to New York as a refugee from war in 1940. Coming back from Paris where he decided to become a cubist I was surprised to find out that he was actually painting natural forms like trees the ocean the shores of his native Holland but gradually transformed such motifs into a global translation of form and colour.

New York, the place that reestablished his emotional state was also his ultimate inspiration. He wanted an abstraction and perfection of the city’s vibe creating a spectral metamorphose of itself translated into lines and colours.
Dying of pneumonia in 1944 his final work of art was the Broadway Boogie-Woogie, a reflection of an armonious and maybe slightly mad optimism.
After his life he became a well-known inspiration for many artists and trademarks such as Yves Saint Laurent, Nike, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac but also interior designers. Simple but chic, colourful but uniform they all captured 1940’s spirit in a modern yet timeless way.
YSL dress 1965 so simple yet so elegant..can you imagine how would this look with a jean jacket and a pair of Balmain suede buckled ankle boots?? Sooo beautiful

Broadway Boogie Woogie reminds me of Supaplex,the game I used to play when I was 5!!

J.C de Castelbajac and YSL LOOOVE the sunglasses

Cou Cou

Hey Guys,

I'm Aylin, a 15 year old teenager from Bucharest, half Turkish, half Romanian ( and another extra half Parisian!:) ) I decided to create this blog firstly for myself because lately I've been in serious need of putting my thoughts together. As we live in such a technological world(hope 2012 won't mess thing up) this may be a good way to gather my thoughts and interests from all over the corners of my mind.

I love art and fashion and I would like to learn more about it.. I love taking photos (if you're interested in seeing some of my works just click the photo blog on the right of the page) and I'm thinking of studying architecture, hopefully in Paris. Oh and yes, I forgot.. I'm madly in love with EVERYTHING about Paris..history, art, culture, streets, lights, buildings, shops(oups!)

I'm new and I would really appreciate your comments with your opinions, what to improve etc. And If there's anything you'd like to know about whatever subject just ask me.

Love to you all,
