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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Must-see movies

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I havn't posted anything lately but I'm now definitely back with lots and lots of new things! Just for a start, here are some trailers of the movies I saw in the past few months and that inspired me not only in drawing but in life.

f course, the classic- Forrest Gump

The first movie directed by Tom Ford- A Single Man

The most beautiful music- Indecent Proposal

And the oscar winner- The Black Swan

1 comment:

  1. You saw the Blck Swan? Very courageous. by the end of the trailer, I was hiding behind Adrian. Did you see The King's Speech?
    Forrest Gump is an all time great (love it) and indeed the music of Indecent proposal is fab.
    Lovely post! Happy viewing xox
